Feature Ideas

  1. Ability to make customers watch a video before they can sign.

    You can inform the customers with a video about whatever you do before they can agree.

    #Improvement 👍#New Feature


  2. Prefill waivers for customers with previous waivers or in the customer database.

    When you make a waiver request to a customer that is in the database, the waiver should have any information in their profile prefilled in the new waiver. Seems simple to add items like email, phone, address, etc. Also, to be able to search through customers on the kiosk to be able to make requests would be nice as well, and be able to send the new request to a device rather than just an email. That way the waiver could either be used immediately from the kiosk or brought up as a link to be used on a browser. To me a good work around would be to allow customer info to be auto-prefilled into the prefill link distribution and then copy the link and use it in the current browser or send it in a text or email. We make people sign new waivers for each procedure and this would save us a bunch of time with returning customers.

    Michael S
    #Improvement 👍#New Feature


  3. Ability to sort Waiver Lists by fields

    Ability to sort Waiver Lists by fields. Ie, sort my list alphabetically by Last name. Both on web interface and mobile app.

    #Improvement 👍#New Feature


  4. Integration with Rezdy

    Rezdy is a leading reservations platform that has integration with SmartWaiver which is inferior to WaiverForever. That's why I think integration with Rezdy will be game-changing

    Vista Los Sueños Adventure P
    #New Feature#Integrations 🔗


  5. Ability to integrate payment in waiver template

    Ability to integrate payment in waiver template

    ryden sun
    #Improvement 👍#New Feature#Integrations 🔗


  6. Support SMS Mass texting

    I know we can collect emails and send emails out. I would like to be able to do SMS Mass texting. would be a feature that would I think set you guys apart from other waiver providers

    ryden sun
    #New Feature


  7. Ability to sort waiver lists by tags and assign/clear tags to/from multiple signed waivers at once

    Would like to be able to have customers sign a waiver once for the year and then each time they show up just check them in through the app. After the event I could then filter out the list to view only the customers that were marked as "checked in" on that date and assign a new tag to each one for future reference. I could then clear the "checked in" tag for use again at the next event but still be left with a bit of a log as to each of the dates that customers attended. That or just have the "check in" button on the app assign a tag that would have that day's date (such as "checked in on April 16, 2023" rather than just saying "checked in".

    #Improvement 👍#New Feature


  8. Customize Output Data

    The ability to customize which data and how it looks in the CSV / PDF file.

    Kat B
    #Improvement 👍#New Feature#Integrations 🔗


  9. attachment to My Customers Module

    Ability to attach images to customer profiles directly rather than just their waivers.

    #Improvement 👍#New Feature


  10. mark check-in status to customers in My Customer module

    There is a Check-in feature however there is no symbol or marcation next to clients name who has checked in whether done manually through browser or if Check-In QR Code is scanned.

    #Improvement 👍#New Feature


  11. Add customized fields/data after waiver is signed.

    Rather than a single note or the attached text field that cannot be exported, have custom fields that can be input after the waiver is signed and are exportable. This is very useful for information that cannot be obtained before signing. Especially, if waivers are signed ahead of time. Example: for tattoo and piercing studios we often do not know information that needs to be tracked with the waiver until after signing and check in, such as person doing the procedure, jewelry choices, inks used, part of body tattooed etc. Thank you.

    Michael S
    #Improvement 👍


  12. WaiverForever Connect Extension For Safari

    I have to run several programs that cannot all work on one browser and having the extension available on Safari means I would be able to remove dozens of steps in my moment-to-moment work flow.

    #New Feature#Integrations 🔗#Misc 🤷


  13. Real-time nudge for new incoming submissions

    When in the waiver list page, I would like to get notified about newly submitted waivers without needing to reload the page.

    ryden sun
    #Improvement 👍


  14. Download CSV of individual waivers

    It would be helpful to have an option to download the information for a single waiver as a CSV file. One of our clients needs single pages of waivers, but they are always 3-4 pages due to the length/spacing. They want it to look like the Export files, except available for each individual waiver. For example, we would click on a waiver and there could be a button added under "Download Original PDF," that says "Download as CSV".



  15. Lock the default value so that it can't be changed

    I would like to be able to set a default value and lock the value so that it can't be changed. Right now, I have one field that needs to change for every waiver, but that the user can NOT be allowed to change when he fills in the waiver online. One of the two ways above would allow me to do this.

    #Improvement 👍
